
Valid DES-1D12 Exam Dumps Questions Help You Pass Easily



Exam Code: DES-1D12
Exam Name: Specialist - Technology Architect, Midrange Storage Solutions Exam
Exam Q&As: 150 Q&As
Last update: May 19, 2024

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The DES-1D12 exam is a certification exam offered by Dell Technologies that validates the knowledge and skills of professionals in the field of designing Dell EMC Midrange Storage solutions. Successful completion of the DES-1D12 exam will provide candidates with the Dell EMC Midrange Storage Solutions Specialist certification.

To be eligible for the DES-1D12 exam, candidates must have completed the Dell EMC Midrange Storage Solutions training course. It is also recommended that candidates have experience working with Dell EMC storage products and solutions. Real DELL EMC DES-1D12 exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions, which must be completed within 120 minutes. The passing score for the exam is 60%, and it is available in multiple languages.

DCS-TA DES-1D12 Exam Topics

DELL EMC DES-1D12 exam is designed to test candidates’ understanding of the storage industry, including industry standards, storage architecture, and protocols. The following are the details of DES-1D12 Specialist – Technology Architect, Midrange Storage Solutions Exam topics.

1.Dell EMC Midrange Storage Solutions Overview: It covers an overview of the Dell EMC Midrange Storage Solutions portfolio, including the Dell EMC Unity XT series, as well as the main features, benefits, and use cases of midrange storage solutions.

2.Dell EMC Unity XT Hardware and Software Features: It covers the hardware and software features of the Dell EMC Unity XT series, including the different models, controllers, storage capacity, and connectivity options. It also includes the software features such as block, file, and object-based storage, data deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning.

3.Dell EMC Unity XT Installation and Configuration: It covers the installation and configuration process of the Dell EMC Unity XT series, including hardware installation, initial setup, and configuration of block and file-based storage, network connectivity, and system management.

4.Dell EMC Unity XT Management and Maintenance: It covers the day-to-day management and maintenance tasks of the Dell EMC Unity XT series, including storage provisioning, storage tiering, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting. It also includes topics such as firmware upgrades, patching, and backup and recovery procedures.

5.Dell EMC Unity XT Data Protection, Replication, and Disaster Recovery: It covers the different data protection features of the Dell EMC Unity XT series, including RAID levels, snapshots, replication, and backup and recovery options. It also includes topics such as disaster recovery planning and implementation.

6.Storage Network Connectivity: It covers the different storage network connectivity options, including Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and NFS, and their pros and cons. It also covers the basic principles of network storage architecture and protocols.

7.RAID Technology: It covers the different RAID levels, their characteristics, and their suitability for different use cases. It also covers topics such as disk configuration, disk failure management, and performance considerations.

8.Storage Management Tools: It covers the different storage management tools available, including system management software, monitoring tools, and reporting tools. It also covers topics such as storage automation, policy-based storage, and capacity planning.



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